Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Reed Tech Web Archiving Services Powered by Iterasi

December 1, 2010

I was pleased to see yesterday that Reed Technology and Information Services, a member of the LexisNexis® Group,announced the introduction of Reed Tech Web Archiving Services powered by Iterasi (www.ReedTechWebArchiving.com). As the press release noted: "The comprehensive Web archiving service will help corporations, government, and professional services firms capture and preserve Web-based content to support the growing need for litigation protection, e-discovery, and compliance with various laws and regulations."

The offering is expected to be available In January and will create fully searchable and interactive archives that not only capture the way the website appeared, but also restore its functionality. Dynamic capture modules expand this scheduled or on-demand service to encompass the archiving of a company’s entire online presence, including company websites, blogs, Twitter, forums, Wikis, and more.

Dave Darst of LexisNexis and Chase Reeves of Iterasi are colleagues and friends, so I am happy to see them "married" in this venture. As readers of this blog will recall, Iterasi is one of the web archiving technologies that John and I found to be very impressive. Good luck and keep us apprised of developments!


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