Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Rock Solid: Will Digital Forensics Crack SSDs?

April 23, 2013

Thanks to Ryan Fahey of InfoSec Institute for his summary below of an excellent article he authored.

New and evolvingtechnologies also create new challenges for the investigator. Working with anew file system or even just a new type of file can require a change inapproach or the development of a new technique. While these changes may requireslight alterations to well defined procedures, it is extremely rare to have todeal with a technology that is a complete “game changer”. The digital forensiccommunity is currently facing one of these rare situations – the rapidlyincreasing popularity of solid state hard drives (SSDs).

There are many advantagesand disadvantages of SSDs, unfortunately the methods used by manufacturers tocompensate for these disadvantages make the life of a forensics investigatormuch more difficult than before. There is no solution at the moment, but we arejust at the beginning of this challenging phase for digitalforensics, and it’s a very interesting and exciting place to be. This articlewritten by the InfoSec Institute goes into great detail on the subject.

I asked John to vet the article and he was truly impressed – great stuff Ryan!

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