Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Security Expert McAfeee Undone by EXIF Data

December 13, 2012

John McAfee is nothing if not a character. Now he is a guest of the Guatemalan authorities, having been arrested for entering the country illegally. Press reports have indicated McAfee's location was revealed in a manner all-too-common these days.

Wanted as a person of interest in the murder of his neighbor in Belize, his location was inadvertently revealed when he allowed a reporter from Vice magazine to snap an iPhone photo, later uploaded to the Net. He tried to dismiss the Guatemalan coordinates as an elaborate misdirection – after all, who wants to be in the company of the low-life criminals who regularly post their photos online and lead the authorities to their doors? But ultimately, he admitted the screw-up.

By way of proving his eccentricity, he blogged about his incarceration in prison, saying in part "I am in jail in Guatemala. Vastly superior to Belize jails. I asked for a computer and one magically appeared. The coffee is also excellent."

Methinks someone needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

Update from this morning news: McAfee is apparently in Miami's South Beach after being deported from Guatemala. In a tale that continues to be from the theater of the absurd, the 67-year-old McAfee declined to speak to an AP reporter from his hotel, explaining that he was waiting for a call from his 20-year-old girlfriend. No doubt we haven't heard the last of this strange tale . . . .

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