Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Sensei Enterprises Partners with Applied Discovery to Offer Social Media Consulting Services

June 4, 2010

It is fairly rare for me to use this blog to toot our own horn, but I will make an exception today to note that we are partnering with e-discovery leader Applied Discovery to offer a service called SM-ART (Social Media, Assessment, Risks and Techniques).

Since I wrote the press release this morning, I’ll refer you directly to the release for further information.

We will be promoting SM-ART next Tuesday, June 8th at ALM’s General Counsel Conference in New York City and are available to speak with anyone that day who wishes to receive further information about the offering.

If you want to set up a meeting, please e-mail me at or call me at 703-359-0700. Representatives of Applied Discovery will also be available for meetings.

Should anyone not in the NYC area wish further information, please write or call me as well.

Social media has proved a sandtrap of considerable proportions to corporations who find that corporate data is leaking out, that employees are evading both policies and technical barriers to social networks, and that there are all manner of compliance, liability and e-discovery implications. C-suites across the country have a collective headache as management tries to figure out how to manage social media and limit corporate risk. We’re looking forward to being a part of the solution.

E-mail: Phone: 703-359-0700

