Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Social Media and E-Discovery: Two Excellent Law Review Articles

September 21, 2010

As I continue to express my astonishment at how often we're asked to speak about social media, especially in connection with e-discovery, I thought I would quickly share two helpful resources.

They are both law review articles: The first is Facebook Isn't Your Space Anymore: Discovery of Social Networking Websites by Evan E. North, a 2010 Kansas Law Review article which may be found on Westlaw. Mr. North does a good job of going through the most prominent cases and also reflects at length on Canadian decisions, which often seem more sophisticated and thorough in their thinking about how to handle social media. But then our Canadian friends would probably tell us that they are always ahead of the Yanks, eh?

The second article is much narrower but worth referencing for those who practice workmens' comp law. It is entitled Social Networking and Workers' Compensation Law at the Crossroads. This one was written by Gregory M. Duhl, an associate professor of law at William Mitchell College of Law and Jacyln S. Millner who is with Fitch, Johnson, Larson & Held, P.A. This article may be downloaded at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1675026

Happy reading . . .

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