Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


April 3, 2009

Thank heavens, just one more session to present at – and it's always low key on Saturday morning with so many folks sleeping in (not an option for speakers, lamentably).

There was a full house at this morning's "Electronic Discovery For the Rest of Us" session. Most striking was the fact that the vast majority of the audience identified themselves as "beginners" at ESI. It was notable that the audiences were much thinner overall at the eight sessions in two EDD tracks over Thursday and Friday. The consensus, I think, was twofold:

1) There was too much EDD – one day would have been sufficient.

2) Also, there was too much emphasis on big case/large firm EDD. That just doesn't seem to be the audience that TECHSHOW generally attracts.

That aside, there was much energy in all things legal tech – the paperless track was SRO much of the time. The solo/small track seemed to be going great guns as well. Even the Enterprise IT track, where John was speaking, had a much greater following than I would have expected. It will be interesting to see what Saturday brings.

And that's all for today, since John and I are leading a Taste of TECHSHOW dinner. Can't go wrong with an Italian restaurant in Chicago – and we enjoyed the food at Gioco's on Wednesday, so we already know we're going to have a great dinner. Ciao.

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