Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


April 2, 2009

Courtesy of the nice folks at MonetaSuite, a number of bloggers (including John and I) had a very nice dinner at Gioco, where we were treated to a demonstration of this new product. Moneta captures e-mail and Microsoft Office time and helps lawyers to measure their productivity.

The program is simple and clean, easy for lawyers to use. One of the reasons for the dinner was to gather feedback from legal technologists. Moneta is at version 1.0 – a great beginning, but many of us in the audience believe that the product will be enhanced by having an attorney-composed description field as well as integration into the major time and billing applications.

Moneta is well worth a look if you are here at ABA TECHSHOW. Check out Booth 112 at the Exhibition Hall. Take a test drive while you're there. There is even a free version of the software that you can play with.

We enjoyed the very nice people involved with this product – and if they can knock out version 2.0 with some of the suggested enhancements, I think they'll have real traction in the small/mid-size law firm market.

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