Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

The 2013 Solo and Small Firm Legal Techology Guide is Out!

January 9, 2013

With the recent publication of The 2013 Solo and Small firm Legal Technology Guide by the American Bar Association, I have now penned 11 books and John 10. Whew. We hope we have truly done what the subtitle says – made critical decisions 2013 solo small guidesimple. There are so many technology choices today in our "connected everywhere and anytime" world that it's mind-boggling.

Thanks to our colleague and friend Ross Kodner for writing the book's introduction and a new chapter on taking a law firm paperLESS. We are also very grateful to our friend Jennifer Ellis for contributing a superb chapter on social media.

We will be doing a Meet the Author session at ABA TECHSHOW in April if you're attending and we're giving a 50 Legal Tech Tips CLE for ALI-CLE on January 17th.

One of our children asked us why we keep writing books. Our tongue-in-cheek answer was "You guys keep having more grandchildren and we need to update our book dedications." The real reason is that our books provide us with money for our annual cruise. 🙂 Well, that one is partially true, but I think we have such a passion for what we do that writing and speaking about it just seems natural.

It wasn't just a throwaway line about the grandchildren either – another one arrived last week so our dedication is out of date - again. Looks like there will be a 2014 edition.

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