Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

The Best of ILTA From Our Foxhole

August 30, 2012

John and I really enjoyed speaking at ILTA yesterday – thanks to our friends at Litera, especially Karen and Deepak Massand, for asking us to speak on metadata. Be sure and check out their terrific metadata scrubbing products – we are particular fans of Metadact-e which is server-based. Two of its best features: You don't have to wait for the scrubbing to take place – you can instantly go to your next task while the server takes care of the scrubbing – AND, better yet, it scrubs e-mail attachments from smartphones and other mobile devices.

Friends abound at ILTA – we were tickled to see Andy Adkins, Toby Brown, John Tredennick, Browning Marean, Ted Arbuckle, Don Brown, Debbie Foster, Tom O'Connor, Mark Feldmann, Scott Peterson, Patrick Oot, Judy Miller, Christy Burke, Carolyn Depko and Monica Bay. Special thanks to Monica for camping it up with me on a couple of videos – one on the changes to the ABA Model Rules and one on law firm data breaches. I'm sure they'll be up shortly.

We made some new friends too, chatting with Rick Carter and Ronnie Banerjea of FLEX Discovery. Their e-discovery company has only been around for a couple of years, but they are making great strides in the U.S. and Canada so we hope to stay in touch with them as they grow.

We also talked to Jared Coseglia, the President of TRU Staffing Partners, which specializes in e-discovery and litigation support placement. We were particularly pleased to meet Jared, who shares our notion that all of us in the e-discovery space need to give back to our communities. TRU offers scholarships for legal technology education – a philanthropic effort which it intends to grow over time. TRU gets great reviews and has been ranked in the Top 3 best legal recruiters by the National Law Journal.

Finally, thanks to our friends at Worldox for demonstrating its new Litigation Hold feature, It makes it very simple to put files under the litigation hold, sends notifications when new files are added and allows you to determine who holds the master keys and released the hold. It is not a full-featured litigation hold software program, but it is all that many people will need.

One wonderful ILTA moment - the massage I received at the ILTA relaxation station courtesy of The Spa at Gaylord National. If you're ever there, ask for Mario. Thanks Mario – all of us who spend too many hours looking at computer screens have need of your gifts!

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