Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

The Defensible Collection of Social Media Data in Electronic Discovery

April 29, 2010

Four hours on a plane gives me a lot of time to catch up on my reading. Of course, I would have had more time if there had been less turbulence, but the wind gods were clearly angry today . . .

I was focused on the subject of social media and noted a number of lawyers and e-discovery experts made mention of the importance of the defensible collectcion of social media data in e-discovery. After making that pronouncement, they tended to drift into generalities. I was at a loss to find a single specific about HOW to defensibly collect social media data.

This made a splendid question to ask of my readers, and I will, as always, share any thoughtful responses I receive. So how, gentle reader, would you collect this sort of ESI? Is there a specific software or appliance you would use? Are there documented processes you have in place?  Have you had to collect such data for litigation? Lessons learned and advice to offer?

I've been working through this problem for some time and will share my own thoughts in due course, but reader illumination would be most welcome. As always, thanks in advance.

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