Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

The Future of Search: Free CLE in McLean, Virginia

October 28, 2009

Our friend and colleague Jason Baron, the Director of LItigation for the National Archives and Records Administration, wrote me recently to let me know about a free CLE that sounds terrific.

It is called "E-disovery: The Future of Search" and will be hosted by Capital One on November 10th at their corporate headquarters in McLean, Virginia.

The stellar faculty includes Chief Magistrate Judge Paul Grimm, Judge Andrew J. Peck, Craig Ball, Ralph Losey, Patrick Oot and Jason Baron. There will be discussion of proper search techniques, the intersection of searching and ethics, the economics of searching and a mock hearing regarding search issues.

For further information and to register, please visit http://tinyurl.com/yfchb84

John and I are teaching courtroom technology on the same date, but later in the afternoon, so we plan to be there for most of the day. Hope to see you there!

E-mail:   Phone: 703-359-0700

