Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

'Twas the Season – of Mobile Devices

January 2, 2013

While John and I often lecture on information security in general, we've been struck by how often we are now being asked to give presentations specifically about mobile security. That trend seems likely to continue after reading a post-holiday report from CNET.

Analytics company Flurry noted that mobile device activations soared from their daily December average of 4 million to 17.4 million on Christmas Day, a 332 percent increase. That more than doubles the activations last Christmas. And more tablets were activated than phones, with Apple tablets dominating the category.

Mobile security is actually a very tough topic to lecture on, because security developments seem to come on a daily basis. The next CLE will be for the Virginia Bar Association at its Annual Meeting in Williamsburg later this month at the Williamsburg Lodge – a very nice destination indeed.

John and I wish you all a very happy – and secure – new year!

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