Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

What is the Most Secure Smartphone?

April 13, 2010

Hands down, it's the BlackBerry.

The BlackBerry is the unsung hero of data security. It's nowhere near as glamorous as the data-rich and insecure iPhone, but by gosh, there is precious little data saved on the BlackBerry. The only exception we've found is when a user syncs it to a computer (which creates a backup file). Most users use only the over-the-air sync function, but specific functions (such as syncing a public calendar) may require a wired sync.

Several readers have inquired about the Droid as well. Frankly, we haven't seen too many Droids in our lab yet, but our initial evaluation has been that it carries far less data than the iPhone but far more than the BlackBerry.

When the National Security Agency signed off on President Obama's smartphone, it was no surprise that it signed off on a BlackBerry. To date, the BlackBerry remains the business world's smartphone of choice for security reasons - and I don't see a contender on the horizon (yet).

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