Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Where to Find Sharon and John at ABA TECHSHOW

February 26, 2019

Hard to believe that ABA TECHSHOW 2019 is almost upon us. I am very proud of John who is this year's co-chair, along with the inimitable Lincoln Mead, our longtime friend. In this very hectic time, a number of folks have asked where they can meet up with us. As you might imagine, John will be everywhere, opening the receptions, at the faculty welcome reception and the faculty appreciation luncheon on Saturday.

On Wednesday, we will both be at Startup Alley at 6 p.m., followed by the welcome reception. On Thursday, we will be at the First Time Attendee session at 7 a.m. I will then work at the Concierge Booth from 8-9 – and will no doubt drop by the booth at other times. John and Lincoln will do the Thursday morning welcome. At 11:45 John will be presenting "Collecting and Preserving Discovery from Mobile Devices" with our good friend Brett Burney. And we will both be at the Legal Tech Innovators reception at 5 p.m.

Friday, I will be presenting "Vetting Technology: Avoid Indecision Paralysis" with Jeff Richardson at 8:30 and "Time for a Digital Detox" with Roberta Tepper at 4:15.  Both of my co-presenters are terrific speakers and very engaging, so I am looking forward to both sessions.

On Saturday, John is a presenter at "Lights, Camera, Action! ABA TECHSHOW 2019 Takeaways."  This is a great way to get key tips from sessions you may not have been able to attend. He wraps it up with "60 in 60" where he will be joined by Lincoln and next year's co-chairs, Catherine Sanders-Reach and Heidi Alexander.

I will be spending some time on Thursday and Friday at the Law Practice Book Booth. You will all have a discount coupon in your registration bag and a number of authors will be on hand to help you find the books you need. This is a great opportunity to pick up our latest book, The 2019 Solo and Small Firm Legal Technology Guide – and there are many wonderful books to choose from.

If you have any questions about ABA TECHSHOW, my email is in my signature below. One our favorite parts of TECHSHOW is all the people we get to meet, so don't be shy about coming up and saying hello to us – and the other speakers love the interaction too.

Looking forward to seeing many RTL readers in Chicago – travel safely everyone!

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Digital Forensics/Information Security/Information Technology