Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Write the Federal Trade Commission: Preserve Net Neutrality!

July 13, 2017

I know what I'd like to tell the Federal Trade Commission to do with the proposal that would destroy its net neutrality guidelines but I can't use that kind of language in a blog post or in my letter to them.

We all know that there is hunger among ISPs to monetize the net to create "fast lanes" for big companies willing to pay the toll. That's why the net neutrality rules were put in place, to ensure that smaller companies couldn't find their speed throttled back by money-grubbing ISPs.

Verizon, Comcast and AT&T would love to emerge as moneyed titans whose coffers are continually replenished by the largest players on the net. When money talks, fair play and equal treatment walk.

If you hate that idea as much as I do, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has made it very easy for you to get your public comment to the FTC. You can write your own "Dear FCC" letter here and make your voice heard. Keep the Internet free and neutral. Rally together and roar!

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