Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

How Do You Use Social Media Effectively?

January 5, 2012

That's a question we hear a lot, from our colleagues in the computer forensics field, from law firm clients and from companies. Most small to mid-size companies are overwhelmed by the sheer scope of the effort – there are so many sites with so many possible functions. It makes your head hurt – and the usual consequence is inertia because it seems so hard to figure it all out.

Sensei has garnered quite a reputation for our use of social media – and we've been very successful in using it to attract reporters and to get prospective clients to our website – or simply to call or e-mail regarding their IT, computer forensics or information security issue.

We've taught "The Effective Use of Social Media" several times locally to rave reviews so we thought we'd announce a "Pub Night" here at Sensei and offer that seminar to local firms. Rest assured that after a few intro slides, we will go straight to practical tips. I never invest more than two hours a week in my social media efforts, but the rewards have been rich indeed.

The date is January 25th (Weds) and the time is 5-6:30. The beer, wine and food are on us.

If you'd like to attend, please call 703-359-0700 and RSVP. Space is limited. If you're not in this area but know someone who is who might be interested, feel free to pass the information along.

Here's to toasting your ability to conquer the social media mysteries!

E-mail: Phone: 703-359-0700

