Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Reed Tech – Booth 503 at ABA TECHSHOW – Come See SM@RT!

March 26, 2013

We are delighted that our friends from Reed Technology will be exhibiting at ABA TECHSHOW April 4-6 at Booth 503. You should make a point to visit them because:

  • They'll be giving away Amazon gift certificates every four hours
  • They'll be flying their helicopter (John's favorite part)
  • They are demonstrating their new product called SM@RT (more on that below)
  • They are really nice guys

More info on SM@RT:

  • SocialMedia/Real Time (code name ‘SM@RT’): SM@RT is a new product that will bepreviewed at ABA TECHSHOW 2013. SM@RT allows users to search social mediacontent using a very familiar search-like metaphor. Users of SM@RT enterany keywords – names, phrases, terms – then select ‘SEARCH’ and SM@RT willreturn the Tweets and Facebook Posts that contain those terms. Users can select the number of Tweets and FB Posts to be returned. Onsubsequent searches, a user can request Older or Newer Tweets/Posts, thereby providingthe ability to monitor messages forward and backward in time.Tweets/Posts can be reviewed by clicking on the Item Type field and in total orselectively added to the archive. A user can select the  Searchcriteria and configure SM@RT to search social media automatically on a periodicbasis. In addition, to the SM@RT tool, increased capabilities in thecapture of public Twitter and Facebook accounts will also be previewed atABA TECHSHOW. Capturing social media content via the application programminginterfaces (API) facilitates capture of critical metadata that all social mediaplatforms collect.
  • SingleURL monitoring: Scheduled Pages allow specific web pages to be captured ona periodic basis. A Scheduled Page is specified by a URL and only the pagethat responds to the URL will be archived. Clients have the ability to schedulecapture of webpages from every 15 minutes to a monthly basis and coupled withthe page change and/or keyword alert functionality provides for a powerfulmonitoring platform.
  • Capture of syndicated socialmedia-content using RSS: Custom Feeds allows the user to connect any RSS orATOM feed directly to the archiving system. In practice, the system actsas an RSS reader polling each connected RSS or ATOM feed approximately every 20minutes. The system will initiate an archive for the URL of each pagethat arrives from the RSS feed. This feature is useful in capturingblog posts as well as social media content for a variety of purposes. CouplingRSS capture with our keyword alert features, provides users with the ability tomonitor content in an automated fashion.

They promised to let John drive the helicopter – alas, they knew better than that to make the same offer to me. Not only are they nice guys, but smart guys too.

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