Company News

Sharon Nelson Interviewed By LAW.COM

December 23, 2021

A LAW.COM article titled “Clients Aren’t Asking Solos, Small Law Firms About Their Cybersecurity. That’s a Problem” by Victoria Hudgins , highlights a recent interview with Sharon Nelson, Esq. of Sensei Enterprises.


Specifically, the pandemic highlighted to some clients the potential for increased cyberattacks as lawyers work remotely, said Sharon Nelson, president of digital forensics, cybersecurity and information technology provider Sensei Enterprises Inc.

“The clients knew the law firms working from home were more vulnerable … clients began to figure that out and they started getting worried about cybersecurity,” Nelson said. “Law firms did too. That’s why many of them upped their game during the pandemic. They continue to ask for recommendations to be secure. That’s a selling point to a client.”

Small law firms are also facing increasing scrutiny from cyber insurance providers to adopt additional cybersecurity measures or risk paying higher premiums or losing coverage, Nelson added.

“Among the smaller firms it’s growing. It’s certainly not the clients, it’s the insurance companies asking,” Nelson said. She added that “it’s impossible” for many small firms to tackle insurance companies’ cyber questionnaires as currently written, and even if they’re able to fill them out truthfully, “the insurance companies won’t like what they hear.”

Read the entire article here.