Cloud Solutions
Why Cloud Service Solutions?
One of the most important things to consider when you have employees both in the office and working remotely is keeping everyone securely connected. Using a public or private cloud solution can help your business save time and money. It also provides employees with the accessibility and confidence they need to get their job done. Sensei can help you determine which cloud solutions best fit the needs of your firm.
Some of our cloud services include:
- Cloud migrations, including Microsoft 365
- Virtualization of servers and desktops
- Cloud readiness assessments
- Cloud security review
- Remote, offsite backup solutions to provide redundancy in the event of a data breach or ransomware attack
- Configuration and set-up of hosted Document Management Systems
- Cloud storage and secure file sharing

Learn more about cloud services
You can watch our video on secure cloud solutions here.
Interested in other IT services?
Sensei also offers additional managed IT services to clients. Click here to learn more about Sensei’s managed IT services.