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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

LastPass to Limit Usage of Free Version

February 17, 2021

If you are a LastPass user, the announcement yesterday has probably really ticked you off. There are countless news outlets that covered the announcement. One report from The Register gives some specifics concerning the new terms of service LastPass will impose with the usage of the free version.

Effective March 16th, users will have to choose an active device to use with the free version. In other words, users have to pick whether they will use a computer or a mobile device for LastPass but not both. If you want to use LastPass on two different types of devices, you’ll have to upgrade to the paid versions. It will cost you $3/month for the Premium version or $4/month if you opt for the Family version, which gives you 6 users for password sharing. If you elect to stay with the free version, on May 17th you will also lose email support. It will be interesting to see how many people jump ship and migrate to a different password manager.

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