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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

May 13, 2020

Google Authenticator Update Allows Moving Between Devices

Authenticator apps are far and away more secure than getting a code via SMS text message. Users have been reluctant

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May 12, 2020

Seven Vulnerabilities Announced for Computers with Thunderbolt USB-C Connectors

Thunderspy sounds like a movie title, but it's the name given to the multitude of vulnerabilities announced for any computer

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May 11, 2020

Microsoft Trying to Stop Reply All Storms

One of the bad things about email is the ease to quickly reply to all recipients on a message even

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May 07, 2020

USB4 is on the Horizon

The next generation of USB4 is coming, but what does it mean for the end user? Lifehacker posted information about

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May 06, 2020

User Data Found on Resold Tesla Parts

Proper disposal of electronic equipment is a must to protect user privacy. You should be wiping hard drives for any

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May 05, 2020

Serious iPhone Vulnerability in Mail App

CPO reported that an iPhone can be compromised just by opening up the Mail app. No clicking on a link

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May 04, 2020

Face ID Doesn’t Work with a Mask

Shocker. If you are wearing a mask, Face ID doesn't work. Ars technica posted that Apple is changing the authentication

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Apr 30, 2020

Turn On 2FA for Your Google Account

It is still amazing that users are so resistant to using two-factor authentication (2FA) for their accounts. For most 2FA

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Apr 29, 2020

Top Five WFH Extensions for Google Chrome

Chrome is still the most used browser in the world by a huge margin. While we all work from home

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Apr 28, 2020

Microsoft Patches Teams Vulnerability

Video conferencing has seen a tremendous increase since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, cyber criminals are

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Apr 27, 2020

Microsoft Has Ruled – No More Double Spaces Following Punctuation

It's been a long-standing argument over the past several decades. Should there be two spaces following punctuation or just one?

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Apr 23, 2020

Overreaction Over Video Conferencing End-to-end Encryption

It's no secret that Zoom is in the crosshairs for its usage of the term end-to-end encryption (E2EE). While there

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