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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Securely Store Data in the Cloud

February 16, 2022

Cloud storage is convenient. It is accessible from pretty much any device from anywhere. However, you should take some extra steps if you want to securely store sensitive and confidential data to the cloud. Far too many users are putting personal information in iCloud, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. accounts. Lifehacker has a post to help you protect the information from unintended access.

A simple step is to put a password on the file prior to uploading. However, remember that securing the data is only as good as the password used to lock the file. Make sure your password is long and complex to cut down success of brute force attacks. Some password managers allow you to store the data directly in the password manager. Storage in a password manager may be limited so choose your files wisely. Another option is to use a third party tool to encrypt the data with a user controlled encryption key prior to transfer to cloud storage.

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