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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Signal Private Messenger Features Not to Forget

January 12, 2021

I’m a big fan of Signal. You can’t beat the app for secure and private communications. It is even more secure than other products such as Telegram and WhatsApp. It’s free too. If you are a Signal Private Messenger user, don’t forget about some of the best available features that users look for in an instant messaging app. TechViral has a post that goes into more detail about five of the best features.

  1. Block Screenshot – stop the recipient from taking a screenshot of the message.
  2. Blur Faces – blur faces in sent images.
  3. Disappearing Messages – make the messages self-destruct after a set period of time once read.
  4. Set up a screen lock – requires a PIN or fingerprint to unlock the app.
  5. Send One-Time Viewable Image – makes images disappear once viewed.

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