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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

USB4 Doubles USB 3.2 Speeds

September 5, 2019

The USB Implementers Forum has published the USB4 specification and it is not quite what people expected. The good news is that the specification will double the current speed of USB 3.2. The bad news is that support for Thunderbolt 3 is optional. Even though USB4 will be provisioned over the current USB-C connector, you may not get all of the capabilities of Thunderbolt 3.

USB 3.2 is capable of speeds up to 20 Gbps so the USB4 standard can transfer data up to 40 Gbps. There are some technical differences between USB4 and Thunderbolt 3. The majority of users don't care about the technical details, they just want it to work. There is backward compatibility, but we'll have to see if USB4 really takes off. Some predict it won't be until 2020 before we see any practical implementations of the USB4 specification.

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