Digital Forensics Dispatch

Digital Forensics Blog
by Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Courts in New York Adapt to Changes for Streamed Evidence

May 14, 2019

Riverhead Justice Court in New York is realizing its technological limitations with digital data, and new legislation is demanding change.

Riverhead Justice Court officials have begun the installation of Wi-Fi into the courthouse to comply with the new legislation, known as CPLR 4511. This new state law “expands the admissibility of all digital evidence in courts such as images, maps, locations, distances, or other information taken via tools such as web mapping or global image services.” Since attorneys tend to use tools such as Google Maps and web mapping services to find visual information for locations involved in legal cases, the law could allow for any objection to use such information to be overruled as long as the information “fairly and accurately depicts the evidence presented,” most often testified to through the usage of a digital forensics expert.

The additional bandwidth will allow attorneys and digital forensics experts the ability to present or stream data stored online, and the law aims to help the court comply with new state mandates regarding digital evidence in court proceedings.

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