Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Why are There So Few Women in Cybersecurity?

March 16, 2022

I have asked myself that question many times. Our friend Sherri Davidoff, the founder and CEO of LMG Security, obviously also asked herself that question. She has written a terrific article published by CSO Magazine about how much women may be deterred from a career in cybersecurity by caretaking responsibilities.

After reading her excellent piece, I realized how lucky I was to have entered the cybersecurity world AFTER my children no longer needed a caretaker at home. What Sherri went through as the primary caretaker of her children is illuminating – and she offers some great and informative statistics as well.

And let us not forget that, as Sherri notes, “In the United States, over 40 million Americans provide unpaid care to an older adult, with daughters providing over twice as many hours of care compared with sons.”

Spend a few minutes reading Sherri’s thoughtful article. Well worth the time.

Sharon D. Nelson, Esq., PresidentSensei Enterprises, Inc.
3975 University Drive, Suite 225Fairfax, VA 22030
Email:   Phone: 703-359-0700
Digital Forensics/Cybersecurity/Information Technology