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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Backblaze Cloud Backup Service Increasing Prices

February 14, 2019

Backblaze is an excellent service for backing up data to the cloud. Shocker, but Backblaze is raising the price for the backup service. If you pay month-to-month, the price is going to go from $5 to $6. That’s a twenty percent increase. Seriously, most of us can afford a buck a month increase. If you pay annually, the price will increase from $50 to $60 for the year. The two-year plan goes from $95 to $110. The price increase really isn’t that bad. Besides, there are some improvements to the service that make the increase worthwhile according to The Verge.

  • Removed all limits on what can be backed up. Originally 4GB was the maximum size any individual file could be and VM images, ISOs, plus other file types that aren’t typically user data were excluded.
  • Sped up backups. Combined small files into bundles, added threading to allow 30 backup processes at once, and added automatic thread management. This means your data gets backed up as fast as your setup allows.
  • Expanded restore options. Expanded the maximum size of Restore by Mail from 0.5 TB to 8 TB on a hard drive, and from a 4 GB DVD to a 256 GB flash drive. We also introduced the Restore Return Refund program. It’s a program our customers love but most other players in the industry have abandoned due to the costs of shipping, packaging, drive replacement, etc.
  • A bunch of other features. Locate My Computer, Preview/Access/Share, two-factor verification, iOS/Android apps, network management, Save to B2, and many of the other features/functions not only incurred development costs but have ongoing server/bandwidth expenses.

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