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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Google Chrome Extension Checks for Compromised Passwords

February 7, 2019

We are still in a password driven world. Password reuse is still a huge problem, where users use only a handful of passwords for all the sites they visit. If one site gets compromised, the user is at risk for every other site where they used the same password. Google Chrome users can install the recently released Password Checker extension to alert you if your password has been leaked.

Once installed, the tool will monitor all of your logons and trigger a warning if is there is a match for a compromised password. Google checks your information against a collection of 2.2 billion stolen credentials going back to 2018. You do have the choice to ignore the unsafe password, but it is highly recommended that you immediately change the password to something unique and stronger. The identified passwords are not stored in Chrome. According to Google, “If Password Checkup finds that a password and username you enter is unsafe, it stores a hashed, partial code for that info in your Chrome browser. This partial code can’t be used to recreate a complete version of your info.”

Another great tool to help users improve internet security.

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