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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Windows 10 Needs 7GB More Space

January 9, 2019

Some recent updates of Windows 10 have failed because there wasn’t enough disk space available to complete the update process. Windows doesn’t currently check for available disk space prior to attempting to install an update. A change is coming with a future Microsoft update. ZDNet reports, “Microsoft is introducing 'reserved storage', which will keep around 7GB of disk space — but possibly more — available purely so that updates can be installed smoothly.”

We’ll have to wait until the Windows 10 19H1 update will likely be released in April 2019 in order to see if the reserved storage amount can be modified or if Microsoft will “lock down” a minimum amount of disk space. Bottom line…users need to make sure there is sufficient space available to install any future updates. Today, you’ll have to do that manually. It will be automatic in the future.

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