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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Mac Malware #6 on WatchGuard’s Top Ten List

December 13, 2018

The price of success is the target you present. Mac-based malware (Yes it does exist!) finally landed a spot on WatchGuard's Top 10 list of the most common types of malware for Q3 2018. As stated in a DarkReading post, Mac users can no longer assume that the operating system offers more security than other operating systems. Corey Nachreiner, WatchGuard's CTO, said, "Mac users that haven't installed a security suite on the endpoint need to do so. The days where Mac users can go to airports, coffee shops, and use home networks without added protections like a firewall and IP reputation services are over."

The increased popularity of Mac computers has increased the visibility as a target. So what does this mean? Make sure you install security software on all your Apple products, not just Macs. Don’t believe anyone that says Macs are more secure and don’t need security software.

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