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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

We Don’t Need No Stinking Passwords

November 21, 2018

It seems like I read at least one article a week that predicts the death of passwords. I don’t share that belief, but there are alternative authentication methods. As an example, you can now use your face or a security key fob to logon into your Microsoft account. Technically, you are using Windows Hello biometric authentication, which also includes fingerprint readers. This means that passwordless logons are possible for Outlook, Office, Skype, OneDrive, Xbox Live, Bing, the Microsoft Store, and Windows itself. You’ll need to be running the Windows 10 October 2018 update and the Edge browser. If you use a security key, it needs to be compatible with the FISO2 CTAP specification. I suppose having alternatives for password reuse or weak ones is a good thing. Even with alternative authentication methods, I’m afraid passwords will be with us for many more years.

YourITConsultant will be "off the air" until December 10, 2018. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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