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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Finally – Users Can Download Their Own Data from Apple

October 18, 2018

Google and Facebook users have had the ability for some time. Now United States users can finally download the data that Apple holds in a similar fashion. Users can "request a copy of all the information Apple has on you, ranging from your purchasing activity to iCloud bookmarks, and even your Apple Care support history."

The process is pretty easy. You go to Apple's Data and Privacy page. Login with your Apple ID credentials. Click the "Get started" link under the Get a copy of your data section. You then select what data you want to download. The download will include:

  • App usage and activity information as spreadsheets or files in JSON, CSV, XML, or PDF format.
  • Documents, photos and videos in their original format.
  • Contacts, calendars, and bookmarks in VCF, ICS, and HTML format.

The download will not include App, book, movie, TV show, or music purchases. There are two sections grouping the data to download so make sure you scroll down to see all choices. After you make your selection(s) you need to choose the maximum file size for your data package. The choices for maximum files sizes are 1GB, 2GB, 5GB, 10GB or 25GB. Your data will be distributed into multiple files of your selected size for each individual part of the package, if necessary. Apple will let you know via email when the download is ready. You'll need to be patient as it may take Apple up to seven days to format your download package.

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