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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Winamp Rises from the Dead

October 16, 2018

How appropriate that it is the Halloween season. TechCrunch reported that we should see a new version of the 21-year old Winamp media player next year. I still use Winamp to play our MP3 "jukebox" while in the office. I've never been a fan of iTunes and the Windows media player is a pain to navigate. Winamp was originally developed by AOL and was purchased by Radionomy in 2014.

Alexandre Saboundjian, CEO of Radionomy said, "There will be a completely new version next year, with the legacy of Winamp but a more complete listening experience. You can listen to the MP3s you may have at home, but also to the cloud, to podcasts, to streaming radio stations, to a playlist you perhaps have built." According to TechCrunch, we should see a new 5.8 release this week. Winamp 6 should be released in 2019.

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