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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

The Difference Between Office 2019 and Office 365

September 26, 2018

Confused about the latest release of Office from Microsoft? You are not alone. Microsoft calls the latest release of Office the perpetual version. Most of you would probably recognize it as the on-premise version. Windows guru Paul Thurrott spoke with Microsoft corporate vice president Jared Spataro to get a little more clarification about the differences. Office 2019 doesn't offer any of the cloud-connected features that Office 365 subscribers would see using the exact same apps. That means Office 365 has more features and functionality.

As Paul stated, "Microsoft adds tons of new capabilities to its Office 365 apps—across PC and Mac desktops, mobile, web, and online services—every single month. It makes the Windows 10 update schedule look slow by comparison." No wonder more and more folks are migrating to Office 365. You get more when you subscribe to Office than if you purchased it outright. If you still want to avoid the cloud, Microsoft states that there will be another perpetual version after Office 2019.

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