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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

How to Determine if Someone is Secretly Using Your Computer

July 5, 2018

The bad guys are coming up with all sorts of techniques to infect your computer. It may be to encrypt your data in hopes that you'll pay a ransom, steal some processing power to mine cryptocurrency or capture personal data for financial gain. No matter what the reason, how would you know if someone has control of your machine? There is no 100% solution, but Tech Viral has a great post with some things you can do to see if your computer has been compromised.

  • Use Windows Event Viewer
  • USBDeview – View all installed/connected USB Devices
  • Recent Places
  • VLC History
  • Open Saved Files
  • Executed Programs List
  • Using Logon Auditing Policy On Windows 10

The post has the details to do all of the above tasks. Some are easier than others, but I would definitely configure the Logon Auditing Policy if you are a Windows 10 user.

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