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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Office 2019 Preview Available for Mac

June 13, 2018

You may want to check out the Office 2019 Preview if you are a Mac user of Microsoft's Office Suite, but not particularly fond of Office 365. The Preview is now open for business users and contains Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint and Outlook. Microsoft states that new features such as a roaming "pencil case" (i.e. tools like pens and highlighters) and customizable ribbons that extend across the suite are available in the Preview. PowerPoint includes 4K video exports. There are additional enhancements for Excel and Outlook too.

Microsoft said that the security features of Office 2019 mirror those in Office 2016, presumably to equate cloud and standard desktop apps. The Windows version of the Office 2019 preview was available in April. You can participate in the Commercial Preview program by going here.

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