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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

G Suite Admins – Check the Configuration

June 4, 2018

If you are a G Suite admin, you are responsible for maintaining a secure environment for your users. That means making sure you get the configuration right. The Register reports that Kenna Security found that thirty-one percent of 9,600 sampled organizations were leaking sensitive e-mail information. According to Kenna, the problem is that Google Groups, available to G Suite customers, has "complex terminology" and a clash between "organisation-wide vs group-specific permissions". As a result, list admins can "inadvertently expose e-mail list contents" (which were meant to stay in-house).

In other words – read the manual. Of all people, admins should know how the technology works. If you are a G Suite admin, make sure you check the configuration of Google Groups. If you are a G Suite user, make sure your admin is doing their job.

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