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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Facebook is Still Evil – Backdoor to User’s Account

May 8, 2018

The hits just keep on coming. As if the scandal involving Cambridge Analytica wasn't enough (forget about the FTC consent decree), recent news reveals that Facebook has a backdoor to access user's account data without their knowledge. BRG reports that only a "small group" of Facebook employees have permission to access any profile without the knowledge of the owner. Facebook employees have a feature called the "Sauron alert," which will tell them when someone has logged into their account. Normal Facebook users don't get the same warnings. A Facebook spokesman stated, "In thinking about how we could do something similar for everyone, there are a number of important considerations that come into play—for example, how we can avoid tipping off bad actors or hindering our work to prevent real world harm in cases of abuse or other sensitive situations."

Shocker. Apparently, Facebook thinks the common user is still interested in a bargain for the Brooklyn Bridge. Call me cynical, but Facebook hasn't exhibited any responsible action towards user privacy since day one. I'm glad I have never been a Facebook user.

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