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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

The Worst Passwords of 2017 Are Still Crappy

December 21, 2017

People are really stupid. At least where it comes to selecting passwords, but other levels of stupidity are up for discussion. SpashData released their list of the worst passwords of the year and it's not any better than prior years. For the fourth year in a row, the passwords of "123456" and "password" top the list at number one and two. Leave it to Hollywood to help put "starwars" at number sixteen on the list. For those of you who are curious about what the dumbest passwords are, here's the list.

  1. 123456 (rank unchanged since 2016 list)
  2. password (unchanged)
  3. 12345678 (up 1)
  4. qwerty (Up 2)
  5. 12345 (Down 2)
  6. 123456789 (New)
  7. letmein (New)
  8. 1234567 (Unchanged)
  9. football (Down 4)
  10. iloveyou (New)
  11. admin (Up 4)
  12. welcome (Unchanged)
  13. monkey (New)
  14. login (Down 3)
  15. abc123 (Down 1)
  16. starwars (New)
  17. 123123 (New)
  18. dragon (Up 1)
  19. passw0rd (Down 1)
  20. master (Up 1)
  21. hello (New)
  22. freedom (New)
  23. whatever (New)
  24. qazwsx (New)
  25. trustno1 (New)

And there you have it. The worst passwords of 2017. Frankly, I don't expect much difference for 2018 except perhaps 1234567890 will make the top billing.

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