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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Keylogger on HP Laptops – Discover and Remove

December 13, 2017

It has not been a good week for HP laptop owners. Apparently, HP delivered several laptops with a little "bonus" keystroke logger. The issue deals with a certain version of the Synaptic keyboard driver. The good news is that the ability to log keystrokes was disabled by default. The bad news is that the feature existed in the first place. To determine if you are impacted, go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers and check the properties of the SynTP.sys driver. Version is the one that has the keylogging/debug feature. If you are unfortunate enough to have the impacted version, go to the HP support page and update the driver. The updated driver removes the debug trace ability so that keylogging is no longer possible.

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