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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Malware Delivered via Microsoft Word Without Macros

November 13, 2017

It is a common practice to deliver malware via Word by using macros to execute code. As a result, macros are not enabled by default in Microsoft Office. Hopefully, readers know that enabling macros can be a very bad thing. I would even suggest staying away from any utility or programs that require the use of macros. In the age of ever changing methods of attacks, a hacker group has figured out a way to infect users without using macros. Trend Micro reported that Fancy Bear (Russian supported hacking group) is distributing a Word document titled IsisAttackInNewYork.docx that abuses a feature known as Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). Basically, DDE allows a file to execute code stored in another file. DDE can be a good feature to make sure that data is always up to date, but should also be approached cautiously. In other words, be suspicious of any document with a warning that the document contains links that refer to another file. Don't enable macros and don't agree to update documents with data from other files.

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