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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Mac Users Should Take These Steps to Secure Your Data

October 25, 2017

Despite what the Apple Fan Boys believe, Apple is just as vulnerable (if not more so) to security breaches. If you are a Mac user, there are several simple steps you can take to protect your data as reported by TechRepublic.

The first suggestion is to enable FileVault encryption. Just like Windows Bitlocker, FileVault encryption is included free with the operating system. No cost! Even though it is included in the operating system, you have to turn it on.

The next suggestion is to encrypt all backups. While encrypting all backups is a great suggestion, I'm not sure it will work with Time Machine. My previous testing indicated that enabling encryption prevented automatic backups via Time Machine. That means manual backups. I'll have to test it again, but certainly encrypting a backup is the desired outcome.

The third suggestion is to enable multi-factor authentication for all accounts. All I can say is Amen! Multi-factor authentication should be enabled if you are a Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android or any other operating system user.

The fourth suggestion is to avoid password application service features. I read this suggestion as avoiding password managers that only reside in the cloud. I'm not a fan of password managers in the cloud and prefer to have control of the password vault.

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