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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Not Everyone Wants to Move to the Cloud

September 27, 2017

Microsoft announced that Office 2019 will be available late next year. According to a post by Windows guru Paul Thurrott, "Office 2019 is the next perpetual update for Office," said Microsoft's Jared Spataro. "This release will include perpetual versions of the Office apps (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook) and servers (including Exchange, SharePoint, and Skype for Business)."

All I can say is that Microsoft seems to be cognizant that not everyone wants to be held hostage to annual subscription fees for cloud services. As I see it, it's all about money. As an example, Sage will no longer offer Timeslips as an on premise solution from October 1, 2017 going forward. That's not good news for many solo and small firm attorneys. The cost of a one year subscription is not far off from what it costs to actually purchase the software. I see it as a money sucking process. Kudos to Microsoft for providing a purchase option and not forcing everyone to go with the subscription model. Even Intuit still has an on premise option for QuickBooks and doesn't force you to pay money every year for the online version. Bad move Sage.

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