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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Forget About the New iPhone – Worry About the One You Have Now

September 14, 2017

There has been a ton of news about Apple's recent announcements of new products, especially the iPhone. I don't understand why there is so much interest in a product that isn't even here yet and won't be for many, many weeks. Worry about what you may already own. TechRepublic reports that there is a security flaw in iOS that is transmitting Microsoft Exchange credentials without any encryption even if SSL is enabled. James Litwin discovered the problem and stated that Apple and Microsoft have been aware of the issue since February and have been dismissive about the situation. Litwin calls the flaw LeakyX. iPhone users can fix the problem by NOT synchronizing with their Exchange server. Sure…that won't happen. The other solution is to get an Android phone…that won't happen either. Let's hope there's a fix in the next version of iOS that doesn't send Exchange login credentials in clear text.

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