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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Research Shows Users Will Connect to Any Fast/Free Wi-Fi

July 12, 2017

The human body is a wonderful miracle. However, the human brain isn't so smart when it comes to technology security. Symantec released the 2017 Wi-Fi risk report and it appears that our problem is human beings have no clue what Wi-Fi security means.

"There is a deep divide between what people think is safe or private when using public Wi-Fi versus the reality," said Nick Shaw, vice president and general manager at Norton by Symantec in a press release. "What someone thinks is private on their personal device can easily be accessed by hackers through unsecure Wi-Fi networks or even apps with privacy vulnerabilities."

Some of interesting and scary results are that 60% of consumers feel their personal information is safe if using public Wi-Fi (boy are they wrong). Another scary part of the report is that 53% can't tell the difference between safe and unsafe Wi-Fi networks. In addition, people are generally impatient (shocker) about logging onto a network at a friend's place, café, hotel or other location (42 percent).

What's that old saying? I don't need to outrun the bear…I just need to outrun you. I'll connect to secure networks while the majority of you embrace insecure Wi-Fi connections.

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