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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Want to Switch From LastPass to 1Password?

June 1, 2017

One consideration when selecting a password manager is the ability to export the information. Can you extract the data from the password manager and if so, what format(s) is/are available? If you are currently a LastPass user, NeoSmart's EasyBCD tool will make it a snap to switch over to 1Password. According to Agile Bits (makers of LastPass) the official way to move from LastPass to 1Password is pretty complicated. You begin by exporting from Firefox (other browser export options don't work properly), install Strawberry Perl, run custom Perl commands to export individual data types, and manually import each exported file later.

The free tool from NeoSmart is a lot simpler. Launch the program, point it at your LastPass CSV and it generates a 1Password 1PIF for you.

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