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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

A Password Manager in a Can?

May 3, 2017

We are at the time when everybody should have a password manager. There are many very good password managers available…some free and some cost a little bit of money. The latest marketing hype is revolving around a password manager computer that is about the size of a credit card and fits in your pocket. Supposedly, it is hack proof since it is totally self-contained and not connected to the Internet. The device is called passwordsFAST and it has even debuted on the Today show, but should you spend the $19.99 to get one? Perhaps…if you are looking for a unique Christmas gift for your grandparents, but not for most modern computer users. There are many limitations with the current device. One issue is that it can only hold 125 passwords, which is not very much. It is anticipated that passwordsFAST 2.0 (the next version) will hold anywhere from 200 to 225 passwords. So what? My current password manager has 588 entries. 225 doesn't cut it and I can even backup my password manager database, which you can't do with passwordsFAST. It's a novel idea, but I would recommend some other password solution.

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