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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Too Late to Easily Leave Yahoo

October 11, 2016

Between a massive data breach and spying on user's e-mail, Yahoo has had some tough times recently. For several weeks now, security commentators have recommended that users leave Yahoo and move to another e-mail providers. We'll it's a bit late to easily leave Yahoo because it has disabled the automatic forwarding feature. To easily leave an e-mail provider, you just automatically forward messages to your new address as your contacts update their address books. Yahoo's help page describes automatic e-mail forwarding. "This feature is under development. While we work to improve it, we've temporarily disabled the ability to turn on Mail Forwarding for new forwarding addresses. If you've already enabled Mail Forwarding in the past, your email will continue to forward to the address you previously configured."

Under development? Hardly. You are one of the lucky ones if you configured mail forwarding before Yahoo disabled the "under development" feature. This reminds me of a page from the AOL playbook, where you were locked into an AOL address since you couldn't forward mail to another account.

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