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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Even the Latest iPhones Still Have Terrible Battery Life

October 4, 2016

If you travel a lot or have visited an airport recently, there always seem to be a mad hunt for power outlets to recharge mobile devices. Many airports are actually installing charging stations or new gate seating that has outlets every couple of seats. As you look at the number of people searching for outlets, the vast majority are looking to charge their iPhones. Apparently, Apple still can't get battery life right in an iPhone and forces users to constantly search for electricity. A recent test performed by UK-based gadget testing firm Which? confirmed what Apple fans already knew but have tried their hardest to forget — the iPhone 7 has terrible battery life. It's better than the iPhone 6s, but when you already start with crap, that's not saying much. I can't remember the last time I had to charge my Android phone at the airport.

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