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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Only One Way to Stop Google Play from Tracking You

September 14, 2016

Android users have been complaining that a recent update to Google Play caused battery life to take a nose dive. GPS location services are notorious for eating through batteries in order to keep an accurate stream of location data. Besides the device itself sucking battery life to keep figuring out where it is, any app that is authorized to access GPS data is communicating information back to the company. That's where Google Play comes in. Normally, you can go and turn off GPS at the app level, but not for Google Play. The only solution is to turn off GPS location services for the entire device. Frankly, I think the best mode of operation is to leave GPS location services off and only turn it on when you need it. That's how I operate.

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